- IGDA Education Connection
- The Serious Games Initiative
- Joan Ganz Cooney Center, Advancing children's learning in a digital age
- Futurelab
- Institute of play
- Games for change
- Eludamos, Journal for Computer Game Culture
- Transactions on Edutainment
- The International Journal of Game-Based Learning
- EAI/ICST Transactions on Game-Based Learning
- Game Studies, The international journal of computer game research
- Transactions of the Digital Games Research Association
- GAME. Italian Journal of game studies
- Games and Culture
- Simulation & Gaming
- International Journal of Gaming and Computer-Mediated Simulations
- Convergence
- Games Criticism
- LifePlay
- PressButton
- ADA: Journal of Gender, New Media and Technology
- Games Mooc, Game based learning Mooc
- Zen of design
- Computer games and learning: FL Handbook
- Engage Learning
- Teaching Game Design
- Personatges en joc, la colección de juegos para acercar la ciencia e historia catalana a los niños de primaria
- Videojuegos como recursos abiertos en OER Commons
- Videojuegos: Conceptos, historia y su potencial como herramienta para la educacion